Singapore employees

Our dedicated team deliver clinically appropriate, data-driven results

  • Implementing meta-analysis, network meta-analysis (NMA) and indirect treatment comparison (ITC) methods, including (but not limited to) matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) and simulated treatment comparison (STC) techniques.
  • Performing analyses of efficacy (e.g. time-to-event outcomes), safety (e.g. adverse events) and health-related quality of life outcomes based on individual patient data from clinical trials.
  • Performing analyses of real-world evidence from retrospective studies, observational data and claims databases, including propensity score and similar methods to balance differences in patient characteristics across treatment arms.

What makes Statistics at Costello Medical different?

Bespoke analyses that are fit for purpose

Due to the careful scoping of projects and the clinical knowledge of our multidisciplinary Statistics team, we identify the most appropriate methods to perform effective and efficient statistical analysis from the project outset. We therefore believe that we can offer a high-quality statistical analysis service that will fit your requirements, data availability and disease area.

Combination of clinical and statistical knowledge

We have worked on a diverse range of projects and are committed to expanding our technical expertise; members of our Statistics team have attended formal training given by leaders in data analysis techniques and obtained higher degrees and certificates in statistics. Our team also undertakes novel research (for example into emerging methods such as hierarchical network meta-analysis) and has expertise in a variety of statistical software.

Technical expertise

Our extensive experience of working with clinical studies allows us to critically evaluate the research that feeds into our statistical analysis. The scientific skills possessed by the multidisciplinary Statistics team also ensure that the results and clinical implications of the statistical analyses are interpreted and communicated correctly and persuasively to align with the strategic purpose of the project.

Cross-company collaboration

Costello Medical’s Statistics team works closely with several other specialised teams within the company, meaning that any associated projects (such as literature reviews, economic models, HTA submissions, value materials or publications) benefit from the involvement of dedicated specialists as well as the supervision and oversight of the original project manager and statistician throughout. Such an example of this seamless continuity between projects is the statistical derivation of transition probabilities or utility values which subsequently inform our health economic models.

For more information on our Statistics services or to request a quote, please contact Natalie Hearmon

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