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Maximising the value of expert insights in rare diseases

The Rare Diseases team at Costello Medical is undertaking a research project, exploring how expert insights could be best used to support the development of and patient access to rare disease therapies.

Following our successful roundtable meeting in December 2023, which convened 11 international experts including representatives from a payer, industry and patient advocacy group perspective, we are now developing a series of materials summarising the key outputs from this meeting.

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Brain Tumour Roundtable Report preview

Brain Tumour Rehabilitation Policy Roundtable

The Health Policy team at Costello Medical organised and hosted a multistakeholder roundtable event focused on improving quality of life for people living with a brain tumour in the UK, in collaboration with Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission (TJBCM). Actionable recommendations were set out as a roadmap in a short report, launched on social media and disseminated to key stakeholders. Our report informed the care-focused funding call subsequently announced by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

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Our conference attendance includes:


We value ISPOR highly as an international forum for the discussion of new developments in health economics and outcomes research, as well as their application to both the bioscience industry and health policy. We regularly attend ISPOR’s congresses in Europe, Asia, and the US and aim to be active members of the organisation by sharing our research with other delegates in the form of posters, presentations, and issue panels.

Health Technology Assessment International

We consider the annual Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) conference to be one of the most important global gatherings for HTA professionals to share their knowledge and experience with one another.


The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals is a key organisation for those involved in the medical publication process, with a membership spanning industry and agency workers as well as publishers and clinicians. Costello Medical regularly attends the Annual, European, and Asia Pacific Meetings of ISMPP. As the medical publications industry grows, we strive to contribute to the development of the field by sharing our own research at ISMPP on topics of relevance to the day-to-day practice of medical writing.

NICE Conference

At Costello Medical we strive to be as knowledgeable as possible on the methods and processes of NICE, both to allow us to provide the best possible service to our clients and out of our own personal and professional interest. As such, we aim to keep up-to-date on the latest developments at NICE and we frequently summarise these developments and our thoughts on them in the form of short reports and commentaries. We regard the NICE Annual Conference to be one of the best places to learn about the changing health technology assessment arena in the UK, and really value the opportunity to hear about the latest changes directly from NICE themselves.

Training illustration

We actively encourage our teams to pursue their research interests

We have become long-standing champions of York University’s postgraduate courses in Health Economics for Healthcare Professionals, encouraging and funding all our scientific staff to study towards the Certificate and Diploma alongside their professional responsibilities. We also offer funding for the postgraduate Clinical Trials programme and postgraduate Public Health programme at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, for accreditation with the European Medical Writers Association, and for ISPOR’s short courses.

In partnership with Cambridge University’s Masters in Bioscience Enterprise, we also run a Global Health Internship that regularly brings a healthcare professional from a low- or middle-income country to Cambridge to conduct research on a healthcare challenge facing their own community.

Driven by our strong commitment to professional training, we attend many major conferences, including those staged by ISPOR, HTAi, NICE, and ISMPP, where we frequently present our own research.

Post-Conference Reports

Articles & Publications

Visit the Articles and Publications page to view and download our posters and reports from previous meetings. We prepare these reports following each conference we attend, which aim to summarise the key themes and topics from each meeting. We also draw on what we have learnt to compile bespoke reports on specific therapeutic areas for existing and prospective clients. Please contact Matt Griffiths if you are interested in this complimentary service.